శ్రీ గోయెంక గారిచే భోదించబడిన

సాయజి ఉ బ ఖిన్ గారి సంప్రదాయంలో
Pali Passages Quoted in Day Seven Discourse
Vedanā samosarana sabbe dhamma.
--Mulaka Sutta,
Anguttara Nikaya, VIII. ix. 3 (83).
Everything that arises in the mind is accompanied
by sensation.
--Kimarammana purisassa saṅkappa-vitakka
--Nama-ruparammana bhante'ti.
--Samiddhi Sutta,
Anguttara Nikaya, IX. ii. 4 (14).
"From what base arise thoughts
and reflections in men?"
"From the base of mind and matter, sir."
Yatha'pi vata akase vayanti vividha puthu,
puratthima pacchima ca'pi, uttara
atha dakkhina,
saraja araja ca'pi, sita unha ca ekada,
adhimatta paritta ca, puthu vayanti maluta;
tathevimasmim kayasmim samuppajjanti vedanā,
sukha-dukkha-samuppatti, adukkhamasukha ca ya.
Yato ca bhikkhu atapi sampajannam na rincati,
tato so vedanā sabba parijanati pandito;
So vedanā parinnaya ditthe dhamme anasavo,
kayassa bheda Dhammattho, sankhayam
nopeti vedagu.
--Pathama Akasa Sutta,
Samyutta Nikaya, XXXVI (II). ii. 12 (2).
Through the sky blow many different winds,
from east and west, from north and south
dust-laden and dustless, cold as well as hot,
fierce gales and gentle breezes--many
winds blow.
In the same way, in this body, sensations arise,
pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral.
When a bhikkhu, practising ardently, does
not neglect his faculty of thorough understanding,
then such a wise person fully comprehends
all sensations.
And having fully comprehended them, within
this very life he becomes freed from all
At his life's end, such a person, being
established in Dhamma and understanding
sensations perfectly, attains the indescribable stage.
Yato-yato sammasati
khandhanam udayabbayam,
labhati piti-pamojjam,
amatam tam vijanatam.
--Dhammapada, XX. 15 (374).
Whenever and whereever one encounters
the arising and passing away of the
mental-physical structure,
one enjoys bliss and delight,
[which lead on to] the deathless stage
experienced by the wise.
Namo tassa bhagavato, arahato,
Ye ca Buddha atita ca,
ye ca Buddha anagata,
paccuppanna ca ye Buddha
aham vandami sabbada.
Ye ca Dhamma atita ca,
ye ca Dhamma anagata,
paccuppanna ca ye Dhamma
aham vandami sabbada.
Ye ca Sangha atita ca,
ye ca Sangha anagata,
paccuppanna ca ye Sangha
aham vandami sabbada.
Imaya Dhammanudhamma patipattiya.
Buddham pujemi,
Dhammam pujemi,
Sangham pujemi.
Iti'pi so bhagava,
anuttaro purisa-damma-sarathi,
sattha deva-manussanam,
Buddho Bhagava'ti.
Svakkhato Bhagavata Dhammo,
paccatam veditabbo vinnuhi'ti.
Bhagavato savaka-sangho.
Bhagavato savaka-sangho.
Bhagavato savaka-sangho.
Bhagavato savaka-sangho.
Yadidam cattari purisa-yugani,
esa Bhagavato savaka-sangho;
ahuneyyo, pahuneyyo,
dakkhineyyo, anjali-karaniyo,
anuttaram punnakkhettam lokassa'ti.
--Dhajagga Sutta,
Samytta Nikaya, XI (I). 3.
Homage to the liberated, the all conquering,
the fully self-enlightened.
To the Buddhas of the past,
to the Buddhas yet to come,
to the Buddhas of the present
always I pay respect.
To the Dhammas of the past,
to the Dhammas yet to come,
to the Dhammas of the present
always I pay respect.
To the Sanghas of the past,
to the Sanghas yet to come,
to the Sanghas of the present
always I pay respect.
By walking on the path of Dhamma, from
the first step to the final goal,
thus I revere the Buddha,
thus I revere the Dhamma,
thus I revere the Sangha,
Homage to the Buddha:
Such truly is he: free from impurities,
having destroyed all mental defilements,
fully enlightened by his own efforts,
perfect in theory and in practice,
having reached the final goal,
knowing the entire universe,
incomparable trainer of men,
teacher of gods and humans,
the Buddha, the Exalted One.
Homage to the Dhamma
Clearly expounded is the teaching of the
Exalted One,
to be seen for oneself,
giving results here and now,
inviting one to come and see,
leading straight to the goal,
capable of being realized for oneself by
any intelligent person.
Homage to the Sangha:
Those who have practised well
form the order of disciples of the Exalted One.
Those who have practised uprightly
form the order of disciples of the Exalted One.
Those who have practised wisely
form the order of disciples of the Exalted One.
Those who have practised properly
form the order of disciples of the Exalted One.
That is, the four pairs of men,
the eight kinds of individuals,
these form the order of disciples of
the Exalted One;
worthy of offerings, of hospitality,
of gifts, of reverent salutation,
an incomparable field of merit for the world.