do Thiền sư S.N. Goenka Giảng Dạy

theo truyền thống của Sayagyi U Ba Khin
Dhamma Service
The giving of Dhamma Service, whether in a course or in some other way to help in the spread of Dhamma, is one of the most valuable experiences a student of Vipassana can have. Not only is it rewarding to know that you have helped others to taste the Nectar of Dhamma, but it also is a wonderful source of growth and strength in one's own development in meditation practice.
Dhamma service is needed more and more as the demand for courses becomes greater in the world. In 2003 there were almost 1400 Vipassana courses conducted around the world in which almost 100,000 students participated. Without the invaluable assistance of hundreds of old students who organized and served these courses, prepared the Centers and non-center course sites and participated in the management and operation of the Centers none of these courses would have been possible.
Without the voluntary assistance of old students who feel a volition to give to others a little of what they have received from their participation in Vipassana courses, the courses cannot be arranged and conducted.
Goenkaji has spoken often on the purpose of Dhamma service and teaches that it is an integral part of an old student's growth and development on this Path. Giving Dhamma service in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Dhamma Workers strengthens a student of Vipassana for living a Dhamma life in the outside world. A series of Questions and Answers by Goenkaji on dhamma service is also available for those old students who are giving service.
If you can volunteer your time, from serving one or more full 10-day courses to only an occasional few hours, please visit the center page in which you would like to volunteer. Most centers' schedule page have a column "Old Student Servers Needed?" (right hand side of page), please click on that link to access the Dhamma Service Application Form. If this feature is not available at the center in which you would like to volunteer please make direct contact with the center on how to volunteer for dhamma service.
There is an opportunity for all old students to participate and gain the wonderful benefit of giving Dhamma Service.